
to the official site of Billing Paragliding Association

The Paragliding World Cup (PWC) is a cross country flying competition for paragliding pilots organized by the PWCA. The Paragliding World Cup Competition is held only in 5-6 different locations worldwide. At each event several tasks are flown to establish the overall classification. India is going to host PWC 2015 1st Time in Paragliding History.

Paragliding Courses

Intermediate Paragliding Course (P3)

Paragliding Course October to June

This paragliding course is recommended only for people with fair knowledge of flight physics and techniques. This course is monitored and managed by some of our best pilots and national award winners. This is suitable only if you are highly familiar and comfortable with all aspects of the flight science.


News headlines

  • Accuracy Paragliding Pre World Cup in Bir billing Himachal Pradesh 5th April to 9th April 2023
  • CAT 2 for PWC India 2015
    Other milestone to BPA that 1st time we got CAT 2 from FAI. They put us on there calander.
  • Paragliding World Cup India 2015
    Paragliding World Cup India 2015 will be organised by Billing Paragliding Association in Oct 2015 at Bir (Baijnath), Himachal Pradesh INDIA.

Paragliding Association


Billing Paragliding Association

The Paragliding World Cup (PWC) is a cross country flying competition for paragliding pilots, organized by the PWCA. The Paragliding World Cup Competition is held only in 5-6 different locations worldwide. At each event several tasks are flown to establish the overall classification. India is going to host PWC 2015 1st Time in Paragliding History.

The Concept

The goal of each competition task is to fly round a predetermined course with a start, some turn points (usually 4-6) and a finish line. Slightly simplified, the winner is the fastest pilot round the course, or the pilot who flew farthest if no one completes the course. Pilots carry a GPS receiver to record their flight track, which is used to verify that they correctly followed the course and determine timings.

About Bir-Billing

After the great success of Pre PWC India 2013 event (Organized by BPA), we are pleased to present PWC 2015 to be held at Bir/Billing In Himachal Pradesh ,India from the 23th to the 31th October 2015. “Bir/Billing” is a fantastic site and is renowned as the spot to fly in October and November. It is also very consistent at this time of the year, with the South facing Dhauladhar range stretching for 70 km on each side, the plains in front with plenty of safe landing options, light winds and great thermals.
Bir was ruled by the Pal dynasty of the Chandarvanshi lineage.[citation needed] The last Raja or Rai was Raizada Prithi Pal, who was a descendant of the Rajas of Bhangahal, who appear to have maintained their rights until the time of Raja Prithi Pal in the early part of the eighteenth century. Raja Prithi Pal fell victim to his father-in-law, Raja Sidh Sen, who in 1728 invited him to Mandi on the pretext of seeking his assistance against the Raja of Suket. He was kindly received, but within a month of his arrival, he was beguiled into the Damdama Fort, and there murdered. It is said his body was duly burnt, but his head was buried in a tank facing the Mandi Raja's palace. A pillar was erected on the spot, and light was kept burning on it for years. Sidh Sen's object in murdering Raja Prithi Pal was to seize his territory, but in this, he only partially succeeded. The forts at Jagapur, Tika Thana and the Patgana of Nir, with eighteen villages of Ilaga Chuhar (all of them until then forming part of the Bhangahal kingdom), were annexed to Mandi. Subsequently, Sidh Sen attempted to seize Karanpur, which also belonged to Bhangahal, but he was repulsed by Raja Raghunath Pal who had succeeded his father Raja Prithi Pal. In a second invasion, he penetrated as far as Kotharli Gulu, then in Bhangahal, but Raghunath Pal was able, with the assistance of Raja Thedi Singh of Kulu, not only to check his advance, but also to beat him back with considerable loss.

Highlights Of The Event

This is a 7-day event happening on 23th Oct ,2015 till 31th Oct,2015. 23th Oct, 2015 Opening ceremony. 24th Oct ,2015 to 30 Oct, Competition Days. Bollywood Stars will be coming to attend the event. Acrobatic shows by World Cup Acro Pilots. Global village and bonfire night for participants and sponsors. Hot Air Ballooning. Participation of people from all over the world. Extensive coverage by all National and International news channels and newspapers & World Cup TV, Sports Magazines. A big back drop will be placed at the stage mentioning all the sponsors of the event. Sponsor's hoardings at Take off & Landing Site. On air shoot media coverage from paragliders.

Powered By Sponsor

Opportunity to be part of entire event. Part of invitation as principal host. Presence on the backdrop wings as principal host. Honoring corporate head of the company during the show. Mention by organizers during the event regarding valuable support of the company as principal host. Privilege of standees display during the entire event at the places approved by organizers. Advertising on the umbrellas used on the sites of the event. Advertisement on radio TV channels & Print Media. Free Adv. on BPA World Cup Website. Hoarding T World Cup event & other place. Advertisement in English and Hindi national and local newspapers. Logos on invites , banners, posters, hoardings , backdrops. Media coverage in national week’s and sports channel logos on press kits. Posters bearing the sponsors logo will be put at all prominent places of the city. Prime location for all printed matter. Exclusive sponsor title prefixed to the events title on all oral announcements, messages before and after the event. Stickers on the volunteer’s uniforms and participant’s dress. Provision of a stall for your respective functions and products at the venue adjacent of the stage. Hoardings will be placed all over India. Promotions before the event and on the days of event with various promotional ideas like hot air balloons with the logos. Goodie bags can be distributed among the participants and volunteers. Commercials will be shown on the television media (news channels and sport channel).

Co Sponsor

Part of invitation as Co-sponsors. Part of invitation as Co-sponsors. Privilege of the standees display during the entire event at the place approved by organizers. Advertisement in English, Hindi national and local newspaper. Logos on Invites, banners, posters, hoardings, backdrops. Provision of a stall for your respective functions and products at the venue adjacent to the stage. Hoardings will be placed all over India with your logos on it.

Sponsorship Packages

Sponsor Package Positions
Title Sponsor INR : 4,00,00,000 1
Powered By INR : 2,00,00,000 1
Co-Sponsor INR : 1,00,00,000 2
Associate Sponsor INR : 50,00,000 4
Category Sponsor In Kinds 10